Meet the Team

Our Team

At Integral Chiropractic, we strive to give you the best chiropractic treatments and services you deserve. Meet our team of professionals today!

Dr. Rebecca Wilson Nichols​​​​​​​

Dr. Rebecca Wilson Nichols​​​​​​​

I am not the typical person who went into a profession because it sounded “good”. I became a Chiropractor because of a personal heart-wrenching experience.

I have a black belt in Wushu, a Chinese martial art. I was at the top of my form competing weekly all over the United States. I was working out every day and was in phenomenal shape physically. I was unstoppable…or so I thought. I performed a flying jump kick and landed incorrectly.

I immediately felt excruciating pain in my low back that radiated down the back of the buttocks straight into my feet which felt like someone stabbing you (lightning-like pain down the legs-which is called sciatica).

Over the next year, I became addicted to Advil. Sleeping became a huge challenge, sitting was excruciating and every position was uncomfortable.

It was finally time for some medical advice. The MD ordered an array of tests from X-Rays to MRIs and told me the only way I would live a life without pain was to have low back surgery and the success rate was 50%. SURGERY?? 50%?? NOT A CHANCE! I was then referred to physical therapy and acupuncture - which didn’t help my condition. As many athletes can understand- we athletes are stubborn! Our motto is “no pain no gain”. I thought the sciatica would eventually disappear over time. To my sadness, it progressively got worse.

I finally broke down and saw a Chiropractor. It was then that my life changed forever. After a series of adjustments my sciatica and low back pain completely disappeared! I knew after that monumental life-changing experience that I knew I had to become a Chiropractor myself.

Chiropractic is my passion. This is something that I eat, live and breathe and hope to change the lives of thousands of others.

Our goal at Integral Chiropractic is to get you out of pain efficiently and increase your quality of life getting you back to living your best life.

At Integral Chiropractic of Foster City, we create a personalized rehabilitative program in a stress-free healing environment.

Call today to see how we can change your life.

Dr. Carranza

Dr. Carranza

The understanding of health and science as well the application of that knowledge to benefit others has always been my pursuit. After obtaining my Bachelors in Neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University, I knew that I wanted to work with the nervous system while utilizing my hands-on skills. However, I wanted to know with certainty that chiropractic was a field that would continue to fascinate me while allowing me to improve the health of others. What really was this field, and what was its place among the health professions? Therefore, I shadowed nearly a dozen doctors to really understand—to instill within me an assurance that the career I would dedicate my life to improve the lives of others while giving me fulfillment.

The discovery was more profound than I anticipated. Not only does chiropractic display the improvement of the body via musculoskeletal expertise, it stands as another option to those who feel like they may have come to a dead end on their road to good health. Imagine being trapped in a decision that only allows for painkillers—to gain one fleeting ounce of relief in exchange for a downwards spiral of opioid addiction. It is a reality that those who suffer in health may very well suffer more while in their pursuit of well-being. However, in so many cases, chiropractic can find the source, not just symptom, of one’s pain; and this can allow them for a healthy new long term. And it is with this realization and understanding that I pursued my chiropractic education at Palmer College.

As I had the joy of learning about chiropractic academically and clinically, I, too, wanted to share in the knowledge I had accumulated. So, after receiving my doctorate and license, I returned to Palmer as a clinician and teacher. And now, to be surrounded by a team that also realizes the passion and importance of the chiropractic field, I have been more than blessed to be able to work with the people at Integral. Here, we will provide our patients with the highest quality care with mindful attention to detail all the while helping them realize the benefits of chiropractic and a new state of well-being.



I received my Masters in Health Science from Georgia Southern University, specializing in Public Health, Administration and Finance. In the same time period, I passed the National Boards and procured my license in Athletic Training.

My specific area of experience was the prevention and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Over the span of my career as a Certified Athletic Trainer, I had the privilege of working across the country for a variety of Collegiate and Professional sports teams. They included the San Francisco Golden Gate Rugby Team, Atlanta Hawks (NBA) and the Olympic Weightlifting Teams based in Savannah, Georgia.

I was part of the medical paradigm for over a decade until Dr. Wilson showed me the power of chiropractic and shifted my ideology on what defined true health. Upon relocating back to the Bay Area in 2009, I joined Integral Chiropractic when Dr. Wilson was searching for a Director to help run the practice. I have found my true calling in helping build a practice that is committed to bringing health and wellness to our local community. I’ve personally been a patient of Dr. Wilson since 2003 and she’s been my awesome sister since 1974.

EMpeK@124 none 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM By Appointment 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Closed Closed chiropractor # # #